2nd Transnational project meeting in Coimbra

On the 23rd and 24th of November, the 2nd meeting of the Digital Life Learning project took place in Coimbra, at the Instituto Pedro Nunes and Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra.
During the meeting, the project partners discussed and evaluated the pilot training of university students that took place in Coimbra during the last two months. Consortium partners also had the opportunity to visit a training session for older people at the São José Community Centre.

The Portuguese pilot involved community-wide digital literacy training sessions for university students in Coimbra and over 65s in three Cáritas centres in Coimbra: the Rainha Santa Isabel Centre, the Community Insertion Centre and the São José Community Centre.

DigiLife aims to improve the digital skills of older people, with the active participation of young university students, through a volunteering experience that creates a space for intergenerational exchange and a pool of knowledge between them and young university students.

The project partners and their stakeholders are willing to promote digital literacy for active ageing and to enhance digital inclusion.

Project implemented by garagErasmus Foundation, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, People Behind, Plataforma del Voluntariado de España, Instituto Pedro Nunes and Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra.
