On May 14th, garagErasmus hosted two events in Brussels featuring Martina Altea Bellinzona, Project Manager at the University of Pavia in Italy. The two events took place at the representation of the Regione Lombardia in the morning, and at the office of the Académie d’Enseignement Supérieur (ARES) in the evening. The two occasions brought together a diverse audience representing various institutions, universities, associations, and companies coming from all over Europe.

On the occasion, Martina Altea Bellinzona showcased the results of the BRIGHTS Project to the audience. During her presentation, she gave an insight, elucidating the project’s objectives, and outlining the steps undertaken by the project partners to achieve them. Participants gained valuable insights into the methodologies employed and the research results, anticipating the forthcoming final conference of the BRIGHTS project.
