Das professionelle Netzwerk der Erasmus-Generation

garagErasmus (gE) ist das professionelle Netzwerk der Erasmus-Generation, das darauf abzielt, die Bildung eines besser integrierten Europas zu unterstützen. gE verfolgt seine Mission durch die Zusammenführung von Angebot und Nachfrage auf dem internationalen Arbeitsmarkt, die Förderung sozialer Initiativen und die Unterstützung bei der Gründung neuer Start-ups.


The ERASMUSNESS project to recognize Erasmus mobilities as micro-credentials

Every year, over 300,000 students, staff members, and beneficiaries take part in life-changing experiences through Erasmus Mobility programs. These experiences go beyond academic learning, allowing participants to enhance their personal growth and develop soft skills...

gE is looking for a web designer to renovate its website

Are you a talented web designer/ developer with a passion for creating modern and user-friendly websites? The garagErasmus Foundation is looking for a skilled professional to renovate our website https://garagerasmus.org/, ensuring it reflects our mission and values...

The Plus of Erasmus 2024 marks a success in participation and impact

The last months of the European Year of Skills represented a great opportunity to make a contribution to the personal and professional path of Erasmus students through the 2024 edition of The Plus of Erasmus, created by the garagErasmus Foundation and financed by the...

2024 Higher Education Networking Summit in Malaga

We are delighted to announce that the third edition of the  Higher Education - European Networking Summit 2024 this year will be held in Malaga,on the 14-15 of November. The Summit allows our Foundation members to develop lasting relationships and synergies within the...

ECHOCULT organises EC(h)O-Summer Camps about sustainability

From June to the end of July 2024, the EC(h)O-SUMMER CAMPS took place on a large farm in Castelgomberto, situated in Northern Italy. The EC(h)O-SUMMER CAMPS proposed a wide range of activities addressed to educate the audience on sustainability while entertaining....

Peditory LTTA takes place in Cordoba

On 22-26 of July, three Italian participants represented garagErasmus, taking part in the Peditory LTTA in Cordoba, Spain. During the LTTA, the participants had the opportunity to learn more about peace education and to review the content that will be published in the...

Empowering girls: the third part of the Laissez-Passer winning project takes place in Ghana

The Laissez-Passer of the Erasmus Generation 2023 project winner, "Empowering Girls Through Menstrual Hygiene Awareness," has completed its third round! Nelly Sakyi Hagan, the winner, is empowering young women in rural Ghana, focusing on menstrual hygiene education...

Università Suor Orsola Benincasa joins the gE family!

The Italian University of Suor Orsola Benincasa is now part of the garagErasmus family!  The University of Suor Orsola Benincasa, the oldest free university in Italy, is well known for its specialized academic programs. We look forward to cooperating to promote the...

Brights multiplier event takes place in Pavia

The third multiplier event of the project Brights took place in Pavia, on 29 May 2024. Organised by the University of Pavia, the event was included in the national "Festival per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile" (Festival for Sustainable Development) organised throughout Italy...

garagErasmus will join the EAIE Convention 2024 in Toulouse

Our CEO, Fabrizio Bitetto, and our Director of Secretariat, Valentina Presa, will take part in the 34rd Annual EAIE Conference and Exposition, which will take place from September 17 to 20 in Toulouse. If you are going to the conference and would like to meet us to...

Wo finden Sie uns?

gE Mailand

Der Sitz der Stiftung befindet sich in der dynamischsten Stadt Italiens, Mailand. Die lombardische Hauptstadt ist die Welthauptstadt des Designs, eines der wichtigsten Modezentren der Welt und das Herzstück der italienischen Wirtschaft.

Die Stadt beherbergt 750 Start-ups und 10 der besten Universitäten. Sie ist auch eine große Attraktion für Erasmus-Studenten aus ganz Europa. 

Via Ungaretti, 4
San Giuliano Milanese (Italien)

+ 32 467 87 98 44​

gE Brüssel

garagErasmus hat auch einen weiteren Sitz im Europäischen Viertel von Brüssel, Belgien, nur fünf Minuten vom Europäischen Parlament entfernt.

Brüssel gilt als die de facto Hauptstadt der Europäischen Union und hat eine lange Geschichte der Gastfreundschaft für die Institutionen der Europäischen Union. Es wird geschätzt, dass etwa 25.000 Lobbyisten in Brüssel arbeiten.

Rue de la Loi, 26
1000 Bruxelles

+ 32 467 87 98 44​

gE Vicenza

Der dritte und neueste Sitz von garagErasmus befindet sich in der wunderschönen Stadt Vicenza in Venetien, an den nördlichen Ausläufern der Berici-Berge, entlang des Flusses Bacchiglione.

Vicenza ist ein wirtschaftliches und kommunikatives Zentrum seiner Provinz und beherbergt Metall-, Agrar-, Chemie-, Textil- und Holzindustrien. Vicenza wurde 1994 von der UNESCO zum Weltkulturerbe erklärt.

Strada Casale, 175
Elevator Innovation Hub
36100 Vicenza (Italien)


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