Benefits of joining our platform!
Our local associations are not requested to pay any fee to be affiliated to our network.
In exchange, gE is expecting an active engagement role from their side!
We pursue our mission by bringing our community together online. gE community is hosted on WeTipp, a web platform designed to engage community members based on their skills and interests.
If you would like to join us online, please register on our WeTipp web platform by creating a personal profile and you will be directed to gE community page – a virtual meeting point for mobile talents, companies and universities.
1. Become an active partner of the Erasmus Generation professional network recognised by the European Commission
You will become an official active partner and supporter of an international project of social innovation already supported by 24 Universities and many international cities, private companies and Institutions committed to foster a closer and more dynamic Europe. garagErasmus is the only recognised platform by the European Commission to work on establishing the Erasmus generation professional network.
In fact since 2016 once a person is finishing his/her Erasmus experience is automatically invited to register on garagErasmus on-line platform.
2. Territorial Branding
You will obtain your customized and personalised profile on the garagErasmus on-line platform (including a personalised URL) & you will be associated to a community that is widely recognised as an agent of change in Europe.
3. Fundraising Opportunities
Your association will benefit of a membership card to associate your local garagErasmus community. In case your association intend to play an active role to involve local universities, companies and your city, the 50% of their membership fee will be returned to your association to strengthen your local activities while the remaining will support the central international activities of the foundation.
Your association can independently promote and fully benefit of local fundraising while will receive coordination support from the gE foundation in case of international fundraising, and it will be a privileged partner of garagErasmus for projects of social innovations, CSR, institutional visibility with the EU and with international and national institutions.
4. Unlimited possibilities to organise and advertise your events and attract mobile talents
You will have the unique opportunity to engage this community on the content preparation of local events, advertise and get close to the best “life-changing community” in Europe.
5. garagErasmus on-line platform will offer you the possibility to engage with this mobile talent community by:
- Opening innovation initiatives;
- Identifying partners for project ideas;
- Posting relevant content and promoting events.
6. Analytics and reports will be regularly shared with you
7.Active participation in shaping garagErasmus on-line tools and off-line initiatives to better match your needs
By becoming affiliated to garagErasmus, as “garagErasmus4city” you will be recognised by the garagErasmus Board of Directors as Foundation member. As Foundation member your association can send a representative to participate to the General Assembly/Annual meeting of the garagErasmus foundation, together with the other Foundation member’ representatives (universities, cities, private companies, local associations). This imply:
- Receiving an up-date and discussing the garagErasmus development strategy;
- Suggesting new on-line functionalities and projects tools that better match your association specific needs;
- Innovative Networking.
8. Obtaining a priveledged discount to adapt our online engagement technology to strengthen your association
9. Access to the Erasmus+ Student & Alumni Alliance (ESAA)
Associations affiliated to the garagErasmus Foundation will have access to the calls and funds of ESAA.
What are the gE4s?
We encourage the members of the Erasmus Generation across Europe to set up local garagErasmus associations – called gE4Cities. These groups are the local anchors of the Foundation and the Erasmus Generation professional network. They organise independent events as well as large meet-ups, engaging former Erasmus around Europe & enabling face-to-face contact with local business, recruitment companies, mentors and other interested subjects.
All members of the Erasmus Generation can create a gE4! A gE4 can be created within the framework of an existing association that is active within its specific city or region and takes its name from its host city, for instance: garagErasmus4Lisbon. It adopts a statute that includes common rights and responsibilities and reflects the overall mission of garagErasmus.
Möchtest du unserem Netzwerk beitreten?
Die garagErasmus Foundation sucht begeisterte, professionelle und unabhängig denkende Mitglieder der Erasmus-Generation, die Teil der Initiative werden möchten. Wir wenden uns an ehrgeizige Menschen, die garagErasmus in ihrer Stadt zu einem konkreten sozialen Start-up machen können, indem sie einen lokalen garagErasmus-Verein gründen – eine gE4City.. Diese Verbünde organisieren lokale Aktivitäten und bauen ein starkes Netzwerk mit vielen Möglichkeiten für Partnerschaften und Wachstum auf. Die gE4s organisieren unabhängige Veranstaltungen sowie große Meetups in Flughäfen, engagieren ehemalige Erasmus-Studenten in ganz Europa und ermöglichen persönliche Kontakte mit der lokalen Geschäftswelt, Personalvermittlungsunternehmen und mehr. Die Stiftung hilft beim Aufbau des lokalen Vereins und vernetzt ihn mit der breiteren nationalen und europäischen Ebene.