From School to EU

Overview on the project

The project – involving the Istituto d’educazione Superiore “Leonardo Da Vinci” of Arzignano, OGEC “Françoise Cabrini” of Noisy-le-Grand (France) and IES Etxebarri BHI of Etxebarri (Spain) – aims at making school programs more inclusive and able to provide the tools to face the challenges of contemporary society. It also intends to improve access to education and implement measures to guide students throughout their academic careers. All this is made possible thanks to the adoption of strategies to help students complete their path and obtain progress in their basic skills, first of all in public speaking and intercultural communication. To achieve these objectives, the collaboration between the three schools and garagErasmus ASBL is essential to promote the development of modular study programs, recognizing the acquired skills with micro-credentials and offering school staff the opportunity to improve and adapt learning and teaching practices according to the needs of their students.


What are From School to EU’s purposes?

Boosting digital skills and key competences through non formal education, both for teachers and pupils, through the usage of online platforms (Virtual rooms) in the implementation of the project;

Recognition of skills acquired with the release of microdentials;

Enhancing peer-to-peer activities, developing key competencies through zero-waste activities, allowing the development of leadership and the ability of coming together to joint decisions;

Participation into the democratic life, boosting EU citizenship through the debate with peers and experts on crucial issues Europe and local communities are facing with a grassroots, bottom-up approach;

Stimulating tolerance, inclusion and social skills among young generations, through a project which is participative, inclusive in all phases, non-discriminating and allowing the development of intercultural dialogue;

Stimulating new teaching methods and internationalization strategies in the schools, hoping that this first project can be a launching pad for innovative teaching methods and the development of a proper internationalization strategy.


Istituto d’educazione Superiore “Leonardo Da Vinci”

OGEC “Françoise Cabrini”

IES Etxebarri BHI

garagErasmus ASBL in Brussels


September 2022 – January 2024

Reference number: 2021-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000030264
