On the 30th of October, the garagErasmus Foundation organized the second edition of “International Talents Match – 10 minutes to convince the recruiter”. The event was held in the Palacio de Congresos Europa, thanks to the cooperation of Empleo Gune, Ayuntamiento Vitoria-Gasteiz, and Universidad del País Vasco.
The main goal of this event was to provide more opportunities for young, international-mindset students to find their dream job and emphasize the importance of international experience when looking for a job. To achieve this, we collaborated with recruiters from CAF, Danobat Group, Froneri Iberia, Mercedes- Benz, Siemens Gamesa, and Tecnalia, which kindly participate in our event in order to find perfect candidates for current vacancies.
Before the interviews, all participants had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the profile of companies during their presentations. Later on, 40 Spanish and International young professionals had 10 minutes each to present their profiles and convince recruiter of one of the participating company that they are what company is looking for and get a chance to be called back for a complete interview.
The online community of garagErasmus – where students after their mobilities can interact with each other – was also presented during the event. All of the participants have already done their exchanges or traineeships abroad so all the possibilities that garagErasmus platform provides seem to be interesting for all of them.