On Tuesday 22 & Wednesday 23 February 2022 the Belgian French-speaking Erasmus+ National Agency AEF-Europe and garagErasmus ASBL organised the first 2022 edition of the Learning Garage. Held in the context of “Le + d’Erasmus en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles” project, it aimed at promoting job hunting skills over Erasmus+ students not only under the context of the COVID-19 pandemic but also the 35th anniversary of the most emblematic programme of the European Union, Erasmus+.
This edition was introduced by the Director of AEF-Europe Fanny Lutz and the Vice-President of garagErasmus Foundation Nicola Filizola, who made a brief presentation of their respective institutions and the context of the 35th anniversary of Erasmus+.
Thanks to the Learning Garage, over 50 exchange students could meet 5 successful professionals from different countries presenting all the processes of the job-hunting processes:
- Self-awareness: Time to Adopt a New Mindset with Julian Azzopardi, Head of the Vistage Malta Key Executive Group
- The ways how to find it: Where and how to find your first job with Davide Capecchi
- Managing applications: How to prepare an outstanding candidacy Marco Cillepi, Service Delivery Manager at Capgemini Poland
- Preparing interviews: How to ace your next job interview with Clive Cusens, language and communication specialist
Futhermore, an special session was held to teach students on how to value the skills they are gaining thanks to their Erasmus+ exchanges with Nick Andries, an IT Technical Consultant counting with two Erasmus+ experiences and former member of the ESN Belgium board. AEF-Europe & garagErasmus ASBL feel really satisfied for its results and are already looking forward to the upcoming editions of LE + d’ERASMUS in Autumn 2022.