Digital Life Learning
Resumen del proyecto
La UE actual y las sociedades mundiales están experimentando cambios fundamentales, como el envejecimiento de la población y la innovación digital. Digital Life Learning basa sus cimientos en la premisa de que la innovación digital puede ser una oportunidad para mejorar la calidad de vida de nuestras sociedades envejecidas y para avanzar hacia sistemas sanitarios y asistenciales más sostenibles e inclusivos, creando crecimiento económico y empleo
¿Cuál es el objetivo de Digital Life Learning?
El objetivo principal de Digital Life Learning Life es crear macro laboratorios para personas mayores de entre 65 y 74 años con el objetivo de mejorar sus competencias digitales. El proyecto opera en 4 países de la UE donde los profesores formarán a los estudiantes de las IES, que a su vez formarán a los seniors, pudiendo así obtener micro credenciales empleables en el mercado laboral a partir de esta experiencia.
¿Cuáles son los propósitos de Digital Life Learning?
Obtener una comprensión más profunda de los adultos mayores y sus necesidades y deseos
Desarrollar habilidades digitales de los adultos mayores para disfrutar de una vida más plena e independiente
Fomentar y desarrollar habilidades de coaching y enseñanza para estudiantes universitarios a través de la transferencia de conocimiento digital a adultos mayores
Desarrollar un sistema de reconocimiento de micro credenciales
Promover una vida más inclusiva socialmente para las personas mayores.
¿Cuáles son las principales actividades de Digital Life Learning?
Encuestas sobre alfabetización digital de personas mayores e informe del proyecto
Eventos de presentación y conferencia final
Formación de estudiantes y personas mayores
Liberación de micro credenciales
Resultados de la encuesta nacional
Report Digital Life Learning
Digital Life Learning: training with older adults in Athens
As part of the "Digital Life Learning" project, our Greek partner People Behind implemented an impactful training in Athens for older people. This activity was possible thanks to the collaboration of the Municipality of Athens, who provided the venue of the workshop....
Digital Life Learning: student trainings continue in Athens with People Behind
On 8 April 2024, in the context of the Digital Life Learning project, People Behind, an organization based in Athens, organised a training for young students on how to teach digital literacy to older adults. The training was in collaboration with a vocational center...
Digital Life Learning: training of older adults on digital literacy
Through the Digital Life Learning project, on 18 March, the students of the Università di Roma Tor Vergata trainied older adults on digital literacy, focusing on four main subjects: digital banking, credit cards, Microsoft Word and Excel. To be able to do so, the...
Digital Life Learning – Start of training in Rome
Training activities for university students and older adults in Rome Following the pilot phase of training activities in Coimbra and methodological adaptations after the second TPM, the University of Tor Vergata and the garagErasmus Foundation commenced training...
Digital Life Learning TPM in Madrid
3rd Transnational project meeting in Madrid The third meeting of the Digital Life Learning project (2022-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000088024) took place in Madrid on 22 and 23 February. The project was organised by the Plataforma del Voluntariado de España and hosted by the...
gE is looking for a trainer for Digital Life Learning
garagErasmus Foundation is looking for a trainer to review the training content developed in the Digital Life Learning project and to facilitate 20 hours of training on digital literacy for older adults to be held in Rome from 26 February to 29 March 2024. The...
Digital Life Learning TPM in Coimbra
2nd Transnational project meeting in Coimbra On the 23rd and 24th of November, the 2nd meeting of the Digital Life Learning project took place in Coimbra, at the Instituto Pedro Nunes and Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra.During the meeting, the project partners discussed...
Digital Life Learning – Start of training in Coimbra
Training activities for university students and older people in Coimbra After the realisation of the report "Digital Literacy of Older People", the partners of the Digital Life Learning project had the mission to design a methodology and a toolkit to train university...
Digital Life Learning Report on “Digital literacy of older people”
The report on "Digital Literacy of Older People" has finally been published. The main focus of the report was to describe the panorama of digital literacy of older people in the partner countries, i.e. Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain. In order to produce the report,...
PVE celebrates the day of “Solidarity and digital inclusion for older people”
The Plataforma del Voluntariado de España (PVE) celebrated an important milestone in the framework of the Digital life learning Ka2 Erasmus+ project, on Wednesday, 15th March, the day "Solidarity and digital inclusion for older people". The aim was to highlight the...