Talents Match

¡Nuestra nueva forma para que la próxima generación de europeos encuentre trabajo!

El proyecto The Plus of Erasmus

Tras el éxito del garagErasmus’ International Talents Match, the aim of The + of Erasmus’ Talents Match is to enhance the employability of former Erasmus exchange students, helping them to take advantage of unique opportunities.

¿Cómo? Mostrando a los reclutadores las habilidades profesionales y personales que adquirieron y desarrollaron durante sus experiencias internacionales.

How does it work? Companies are invited to a virtual room with international talents and Italian exchange students to have a “blind interview”: recruiters have no information about candidates and candidates will have 10’ to persuade recruiters to call them back for a full job interview. It is a new way for students to prove themselves and enter the job market. Don’t miss this singular opportunity to find a job!

The 2024 Talents match is foreseen on 23 May 2024 at 15:00 (CET).

Esta iniciativa se enmarca en el proyecto THE + OF ERASMUS project: Erasmus+ INDIRE y garagErasmus Foundation unen sus fuerzas para convertir un periodo de dificultad para la Generación Erasmus en una oportunidad de mejora de la experiencia Erasmus+ para subrayar inequívocamente el valor, incluso en un periodo difícil, de los estudios y prácticas realizados gracias al programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea.

El concepto

gE habilitará un espacio e invitará a empresas y jóvenes talentos cuyas candidaturas se correspondan con las vacantes disponibles que ofrezcan. Cada uno de los jóvenes talentos internacionales seleccionados tendrá 10 minutos para convencer al reclutador de que le devuelva la llamada para una entrevista completa.

Una conversación informal de 10 minutos

Las empresas y los candidatos tienen la oportunidad de reunirse durante 10 minutos y conocerse de manera informal, sin las limitaciones de un formato clásico de entrevista de trabajo. Una señal sonora les avisará de que el tiempo ha terminado. Todo el evento se llevará a cabo en inglés.

¡Preséntate de una manera directa!

En la etapa de entrevistas, es posible que las empresas no cuenten con el CV del candidato: la reunión está dirigida principalmente a comprender si un perfil profesional específico puede afectar a la empresa. Por lo tanto, el solicitante debe presentarse de una manera realmente clara y efectiva.

Join the Talents Match edition on 3 May 2024 (15:00h CET): register now!

Are you looking for a job that embraces your international experience? Do you want to put the skills you gained during your mobility into practice?

The aim of The + of Erasmus’ Talents Match is to enhance the employability of Erasmus+ exchange students, helping them to take advantage of unique opportunities by showcasing the professional & personal skills they gained during their international experiences to recruiters.

On 23 May 2024 at 15:00, different companies will be invited in a virtual room with international talents and Italian exchange students to have a “blind interview”: recruiters will have no information about candidates and candidates will have 10’ to persuade the recruiter to call them back for a full job interview. 

This initiative is following the format of the garagErasmus International Talents Match, launched by our Foundation in 2018. It is part of THE + OF ERASMUS project, carried out by garagErasmus Foundation and Erasmus+ INDIRE.

Don’t miss this singular opportunity to find a job! If you would like to take part in its next edition on Zoom, on 23 May 2024 at 15:00h (CET, Rome time), please register to the form below by Monday 20 May. (In case you have any issues with the registration form please send us the candidacy via email to: communication@garagerasmus.org)

Please read carefully below on this web page all the information about these open positions and their requirements before sending your application. CVs longer than one page will not be considered, and those unrelated to the position will be discarded.

In case you have any enquiries or doubts please send us an email to communication@garagerasmus.org.

Check out the vacancies:




garagErasmus Foundation



Exact Sciences
