Sae Group and garagErasmus sign in Malta the agreement for the joint editorial initiative

Milan, 11 October 2023

garagErasmus Foundation is thrilled to announce this new exciting project with Gruppo SAE on the occasion of the Erasmus Days 2023. The platform will be the first newspaper-portal dedicated entirely to Erasmus students from all over Europe, in English. It will combine service information with stories of the experiences of the many students who have been, are and will be its protagonists.

Universities and other players in the most successful program of the European Union will finally have the opportunity to present (and enrich) their international training offer in a single portal, giving future students the opportunity to choose their own study path, also in light of the international opportunities existing in a specific degree course.
It will be the first informative-narrative place worldwide dedicated to Erasmus and Europe, which will be told through the eyes of our ambassadors-envoys to the cities, i.e. the Erasmus students.

The agreement for the joint editorial initiative was signed in recent days in Malta between Gruppo Sae, a publishing company that owns, among other many activities, the newspapers Il Tirreno, La Nuova Sardegna, La Gazzetta di Modena, La Gazzetta di Reggio Emilia and La Nuova Ferrara, and garagErasmus Foundation, active since 2012 and professional network of Erasmus alumni co-founded by the European Commission.

“We are proud to take the field with the contribution of all our know-how – explains Alberto Leonardis, CEO and president of Sae – in an initiative of such great practical and ideal value, in support of the many young people who every day travel the roads of Europe to enrich their wealth of knowledge and experience and to fill the “toolbox” that will allow them to enter the world of work more easily. They will be the objective but also the means with which we will create our portal, with the guidance of our most expert journalists, convinced that there is no better “correspondent” than those who live and breathe this beautiful life experience on the field.”

“garagErasmus Foundation – adds Fabrizio Bitetto, CEO of garagErasmus – strongly believes that experience abroad is not only important but also decisive for greater fulfillment not only professionally but also and above all on a personal level and is convinced that this initiative in tandem with the Sae Group is truly innovative way to promote Erasmus; which is, to date, among other things, the greatest accelerator in the search for work for university students“.

A few data

According to the Erasmus+ Annual Report 2021, at the end of 2021 there have been 12.5 million participants in mobility programs since 1987. In 2021, learning mobilities involved 648,640 people, students and staff, of which 10% with fewer opportunities and 59% of women. With more than 280,500 participants, the higher education sector is the most represented, seeing the participation of 89% of students, 8% of whom have fewer opportunities.
The majority of participants in the Erasmus+ program choose Spain, Italy, Germany and France as their destination, while the countries from which they depart are mainly Italy, Spain, Germany and Poland.
Among the universities that welcomed the largest number of Erasmus students in the period 2014-2020 we find in the first three places the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna with 15,194 students, the La Sapienza University of Rome with 9,095 students and the Polytechnic of Milan with 8,301 students.
Italy, in addition to being a popular destination, is also the country from which the largest number of students depart, mainly heading towards Spain, Germany and France. Of these students, 59% of those who leave for study and 63% for internship are women.
The Italian Erasmus student who has chosen Europe as a destination has an average age of 23, which becomes 25 for an intern. In 59% of cases she is a student, a value that rises to 63% when the purpose of the mobility is an internship in a company. Spain, France, Germany and Portugal are the countries with which the most study exchanges are carried out, with an average stay of 6 months; preference is given, in order, to Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany and France for internships, which on average last 3 months.


For info
Carlo Bitetto
Network Manager of GarageErasmus Foundation
Tel. 3491516419

