Vue d'ensemble
EYVOL is a 2 year project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme and aimed to foster inclusive youth environments by implementing innovative educational methods based on sport to train youth leaders and volunteers.
The main purpose of this project is to provide young multipliers (youth leaders and civil society activists) and young people specialized in sport with concrete and action-oriented training tools to be used in youth empowering and capacity building activities based on sport volunteering for social inclusion, with special regard to refugee community focused on the Mediterranean Region.
Its programme, which had been announced from the United Nations Headquarters in November 2018, on the occasion of the 8th Global Forum of the UN Alliance of Civilizations, attended by UN Secretary-General, H.E. Mr. Antonio Guterres, is developing and implementing innovative educational methods to train youth volunteers on how to utilize sport to promote inter-cultural dialogue, peace building and socio-economic development, including in the context of social inclusion through sport and major sporting events, based in a collection of evidence and best practices, while examining perceptions around a wide range of stakeholders and young volunteers.
Inspired by Save the Dream, EYVOL will provide young multipliers (youth leaders and civil society activists and young people specialized in sport) with concrete and action-oriented educational and training tools while assessing the normative and practical conditions to promote sport volunteerism at the international level providing a set of political recommendations, guidelines and best practices on this regard. Its initial results will be tested in the enlarged Mediterranean Region.
What is EYVOL's general aim?
To promote voluntary activity in sport. This project aims at developing youth skills through sport volunteerism for the purposes of future employability in sport and non-sport related activities.
What are EYVOL’s particular aims?
Promoting increased civic participation of young people by developing the role of volunteering for social inclusion through the attractiveness of sport activities.
Disseminate good practices of the use by youth and civil society organisations of sport as a tool for social transformation with a focus on intercultural and inter-faith dialogue, equality and peace, peace and conflict resolution.
Promote sport volunteerism as a way to develop skills of youth from the Mediterranean region also in view of future employment opportunities in the sport field, including but not limited to the organisation of major sporting events.
Deliver training action plans to empower initiatives on social development through sport with a customized approach in the Mediterranean region for the following target audiences:
- Young leaders and civil society activists, often not familiar with sport, to help them to achieve their objectives in fields such as the prevention of radicalization, dispute resolutions and the social inclusion of vulnerable populations.
- Young sport volunteers (athletes, coaches, educators, referees, managers etc.) to implement social inclusion volunteering activities based on sport.
Develop policy recommendations aimed to improve Mediterranean Region ‘Sport for social inclusion’ programs by increasing sports volunteering practices among young people to reduce risks of social exclusion.
International Olympic Truce Centre (Greece)
Comitato Olimpico Nazionale Italiano (Italy)
garagErasmus Foundation (Italy)
Universidade de Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Portugal)
Youthorama (Greece)
ONECO Consulting, S.L. (Spain)
ENGSO Youth (Lithuania)
Wiener Sport-Club (Austria)
ICCS Insight (United Kingdom)
Université Paris I – Panthéon Sorbonne (France)
Duration of the project
2 years and a half, until 30 June 2021
Reference number: 603159-EPP-1-2018-1-EL-SPO-SCP