On 25-27 September, our Project Officer, Nunzia Di Francesco, attended the TCA “Design Thinking for Partnership Projects” in Dublin, organised by Léargas, the Irish Erasmus+ National Agency. This seminar aimed to support organisations interested in KA2 funding in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET) and gave participants the opportunity to work together using the Design Thinking process, a human-centred problem-solving approach used to develop innovative solutions.

During the two-day seminar, several activities were organised to learn about the Design Thinking approach and understand its potential. It was also an opportunity for participants from different sectors and countries to get to know each other and network for future collaboration.

The seminar generated many creative and innovative project ideas and gave the participants the opportunity to further develop their project design skills, leaving them with a wider bag of knowledge that they’ll use for future project applications.

garagErasmus would like to thank Léargas and INAPP for this training opportunity.
