
garagErasmus will help you link your local innovation ecosystem to an international open-minded community!

Benefits of joining our platform!

We pursue our mission by bringing our community together online. gE community is hosted on WeTipp, a web platform designed to engage community members based on their skills and interests.

If you would like to join us online, please register on our WeTipp web platform by creating a personal profile and you will be directed to gE community page – a meeting point for mobile talents, companies and universities.

1. Spin-off and attract the Erasmus generation professional network recognised by the European Commission

You will become an official active partner and supporter of an international project of social innovation already supported by 26 universities from all over Europe and many international cities, private companies and Institutions committed to foster a closer and more dynamic Europe. garagErasmus is the only recognised platform by the European Commission to work on establishing the Erasmus generation professional network. In fact since 2016 once a person is finishing his/her Erasmus experience is automatically invited to register on garagErasmus on-line platform.

2. City / Territorial Branding

You will obtain your own profile on garagErasmus on-line platform including a personalised URL, and your City/territory will be associated to a community that is widely recognised as an agent of change in Europe.

3. Unlimited possibilities to organise and advertise your events online and attract mobile talents

You will have the unique opportunity to engage this community on the content preparation process of your local events, to advertise them and get close to the best “life-changing community” in Europe.

4. garagErasmus on-line platform will offer you the possibility to engage with this mobile talent community by:

  1. Opening innovation initiatives;
  2. Identifying partners for local project ideas;
  3. Posting relevant content and promoting initiatives and local events.

5. Analytics and Reports will be constanly shared with you

6. Active participation in shaping garagErasmus on-line tools and off-line initiatives to better match your city/territory needs

As Foundation member your city/local authorities can send a representative to participate to the Annual General Assembly of garagErasmus Foundation, together with the other Foundation member’ representatives (universities, cities, private companies, local associations). This implies:

  1. Receiving updates on our activities during the previous year and discussing  garagErasmus development strategy;
  2. Suggesting new on-line functionalities and projects tools that would better match your company-specific needs;
  3. Innovative ways of networking with other garagErasmus Foundation members.

7. Free possibility to adapt the on-line engagement technology used by garagErasmus to strengthen your local innovation ecosystem.

Feel free to reach us if you want to join us!

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