La rete professionale della Generazione Erasmus

garagErasmus (gE) è la rete professionale della generazione Erasmus che mira a sostenere la formazione di un'Europa meglio integrata. gE persegue la sua missione attraverso l’incontro tra domanda e offerta di lavoro internazionale, promuovendo iniziative sociali e aiutando la creazione di nuove start-up.


Ec(h)o-sustainability pills for an eco-friendly office

Are you looking for ways to make your workplace more sustainable? Whether you're an employee or an employer, there are so many things that you can do to reduce waste and create a more eco-friendly environment. We are currently developing EC(h)O-CULT, a project about...

We are looking for a Project & Communications Officer

Are you passionate about Erasmus+ and international exchanges? Do you want to gain experience in communications and project management? We can’t wait to have you on board! A Project and Communications officer position of 6 months is available in the operational office...

gE at the Western Balkans Alumni Association General Assembly

Carlo Bitetto, our Network Manager, participated to the Western Balkans Alumni Association Annual Meeting that was held in Podgorica, Montenegro, on the 15th of September. The event was very interesting for garagErasmus, since it gave the chance to establish new...

The report on micro-credentials and lifelong learning is out!

As a foundation engaged in lifelong learning and micro-credentials, we are eager to share the report "The role of micro-credentials in lifelong learning and development" created by Digital Promise about micro-credentials, lifelong learning and development. In this...

gE attends ASAF Annual General Forum in Benin

As an engaged member of ESAA, garagErasmus took part in the African Students and Alumni Forum (ASAF) Annual General Forum in Cotonou, in Benin. It was a great opportunity to discover ASAF's past year activities, as well as its future strategy to engage in...

BRIGHTS final conference to take place on 11 October

Are you a university student, teacher or staff? Are you looking for ways to make your higher education institution more sustainable? BRIGHTS final conference "Bringing Higher Education Towards Sustainability" represents the perfect opportunity to find out about the...

Brand Me: find out more about your personal branding skills

Do you want to know how to improve your skills for personal branding? Brand Me is a project whose goal is to help NEETs to develop 12 relevant skills to improve their personal branding. The consortium comprises partner organizations from Italy, Latvia, Austria,...

The ERASMUSNESS project to recognize Erasmus mobilities as micro-credentials

Every year, over 300,000 students, staff members, and beneficiaries take part in life-changing experiences through Erasmus Mobility programs. These experiences go beyond academic learning, allowing participants to enhance their personal growth and develop soft skills...

gE is looking for a web designer to renovate its website

Are you a talented web designer/ developer with a passion for creating modern and user-friendly websites? The garagErasmus Foundation is looking for a skilled professional to renovate our website, ensuring it reflects our mission and values...

The Plus of Erasmus 2024 marks a success in participation and impact

The last months of the European Year of Skills represented a great opportunity to make a contribution to the personal and professional path of Erasmus students through the 2024 edition of The Plus of Erasmus, created by the garagErasmus Foundation and financed by the...

Dove puoi trovarci?

gE a Milano

La sede della Fondazione si trova nella città più dinamica d'Italia, Milano. Il capoluogo lombardo è la capitale mondiale del design, uno dei principali centri della moda mondiale ed è il cuore pulsante dell'economia italiana.

La città ospita 750 startup e 10 delle migliori università. È anche una grande attrazione per gli Erasmus di tutta Europa. 

Via Ungaretti, 4
San Giuliano Milanese (Italia)

+ 32 467 87 98 44​

gE a Bruxelles

garagErasmus ha anche un'altra sede nel Quartiere Europeo di Bruxelles, in Belgio, a soli cinque minuti dal Parlamento Europeo.

Bruxelles è considerata de facto la capitale dell’Unione Europea, con una lunga storia di ospitalità delle istituzioni dell'Unione Europea. Si stima che ci siano circa 25.000 lobbisti che lavorano a Bruxelles.

Rue de la Loi, 26
1000 Bruxelles

+ 32 467 87 98 44​

gE a Vicenza

La terza e più recente sede di garagErasmus si trova nella bellissima città di Vicenza, in Veneto, situata alle pendici settentrionali dei Monti Berici, lungo il fiume Bacchiglione.

Centro economico e delle comunicazioni della sua provincia, Vicenza ospita industrie metalmeccaniche, agroalimentari, chimiche, tessili e del legno. Vicenza è stata designata dall'UNESCO Patrimonio dell'Umanità nel 1994.

Strada Casale, 175
Elevator Innovation Hub
36100 Vicenza (Italia)


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