On 7 February at 15:30, the partners of the BRIGHTS project (2021-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000030264) hosted the session “The Role of Green Offices in Guiding Eco-friendly Transition in Universities” at the SDG Conference in Bergen.

The workshop aimed to gather insights and stimulate discussion on how to strengthen and exploit the potential of Green Offices in universities. The workshop was aimed at academic and administrative staff interested in the role that Green Offices could play, as well as students interested in working with the offices.

BRIGHTS coordinator Martina Altea Bellinzona from the University of Pavia opened the session by presenting the BRIGHTS project, followed by Thilo Zimmermann, responsible for SDG projects at the University of Cologne, who gave an insight into Green Offices and initiatives in the EU. Emily Swaddle from the Green Office Movement provided useful insights and tips on how to run a green office smoothly.
