As a young person, you are invited to actively participate in the CONFERENZA SUL FUTURO DELL'EUROPA, as the topics discussed will directly affect your interests as future European citizens. For example, key issues of the conference will include climate change and the environment, health, the economy, social justice and employment – all of which are undoubtedly issues of central concern to you as a young person hoping for a promising future in the EU. Thus, your voice is more important than ever to ensure that things move in the right direction (if you wish to take part in the conference, see the last point of this article)!
What about the Erasmus Generation in all this?
At garagErasmus, we have been listening to your voice for many years, which is why we have developed the EUth Pages for Europe events in the framework of this conference, with the support of the European Parliament. We strongly believe that the Erasmus Generation that you embody can have a real impact on this Conference and on the future of Europe in general. By giving you the possibility to access information (on your rights, the values of the EU, …) and by offering you the opportunity to express yourselves to make your claims and ideas heard, garagErasmus and the Erasmus + ambassadors of each European country contribute directly to the development of your commitment as a European citizen. Don’t miss our next events and make your voice heard!
The investigation and what was learned from it
A survey carried out last October and November in all the EU Member States by the Parliament and the Commission revealed, through the last Eurobarometer (which gives access to the data of the surveys since 1974), that:
- 91% of young people (between 15 and 24 years old) believe that the fight against climate change can contribute to improving their health and well-being.
- For 88% of Europeans it is crucial to achieve greater energy efficiency and increase the share of renewable energy in their energy needs.
- 80% of respondents support the target of making Europe the first climate neutral continent in the world by 2050 and promoting the growth of the market for zero and low emission vehicles.
- Europeans see climate change and the environment (44%), health (40%), as well as social justice, a stronger economy and employment (40%) as key issues for the conference.
What is the real involvement of Europeans in this Conference?
On the whole, Europeans are quite favourable to the fact of participating, in one way or another, in this Conference through various levels of involvement :
- By responding to surveys (59%)
- By attending meetings in their region (46%)
- By completing online surveys (40%)
- By presenting ideas and proposals to national policy makers (39%)
- By participating in European cultural and sporting events that take place within the framework of the Conference (39%)
Nevertheless, there are many hopes that this Conference will lead to concrete results, which would further strengthen the interest in actively participating as European citizens.
Would you like to get involved and have your voice heard at the Conference on the Future of Europe ?
The first step to making your voice heard is registering on the Conference on the Future of Europe platform: Once you log in, it’s time to share your ideas on how to build a healthier Europe for everyone. You are entitled to 1500 characters to present your idea, and approve or comment on those of others, in any of the 24 EU official languages.
Presented in April 2021, the multilingual digital platform of the Conference is playing a key role, enabling all the EU citizens -but also public actors & all kinds of organisations from civil society- to provide their views & opinions on any relevant topic for the future of Europe.