Giovani Ambasciatori Europei

the YouthGoalsChallenge 

Summary of the project

Lead by Europiamo and co-funded by Erasmus+ under its KA3 Actions (“Support for Policy Reform”), Giovani Ambasciatori Europei: the YouthGoalsChallenge aims at mapping youth policies in Italy.

This Youth Dialogue project represents a meaningful step that, as an Italian youth-led network inspired to the principle of co-Management of the Council of Europe, we decided to take after having opened a structured dialogue at the local, regional and national level among youth organisations and “Giovani Ambasciatori Europei” (Europiamo’s members under 30, with personal and professional experience matured in the European mobility programs, active in more than 10 Italian regions and living in different realities – rural, urban and peripheries).

The project will implement a shared framework of activities simultaneously in more than 10 Italian Regions, through a first research phase, 11 regional events, digital networking moments, 2 macro-regional meetings and a final event to be hosted in Rome (anticipated by an online hackathon). Over 300 participants -173 with fewer opportunities for social/educational/geographical osbtacles- will take part in it.

Aims of the project:

The Giovanni Ambasciatori Europei: the YouthGoalsChallenge project aims at mapping the youth policies currently implemented at the local, regional and national level in Italy.

The project will innovate and propose amendments in line with the European best practices in the field of youth policies, particularly these ones promoted by organisations & initiatives such as Europe Goes Local, Democracy Reloaded, or the EU-CoE youth partnership).

Main objectives of the project:

To strongly empower a group of “Giovani Ambasciatori Europei” that will lead the project activities, with the support of experienced organisations active in the youth sector, benefiting from a shared framework of activities implemented simultaneously in more than 10 Italian Regions.

To carry out a multi-level analysis of how youth policies are interpreted and then developed at local, regional and national level in Italy;

To collect reliable quality data to better define the needs of young people, aligning them with the tools and the youth strategies that are promoted at the European level;

To evaluate how digital participation can enhance the involvement of young people in structured dialogue processes;


To simplify and contextualize the 11 European Youth Goals through daily life examples, so to explore the influence each of them can have on the lives of young Europeans (possible follow-up) and young people in Italy (through this KA3);

To create meaningful spaces of youth participation where young people and policy-makers can co-manage their shared interests.

Duration of the project

From November 2020 until June 2022

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