The + of Erasmus
Turning a period of great difficulty into an opportunity to improve the Erasmus+ experience. Maggiori informazioni sulle nostre attivitàPanoramica
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted professional and academic activities around the world and is inevitably affecting all the activities and projects organised under the Erasmus + programme of the European Union. Studying abroad is very different for Erasmus students due to travel restrictions, closed campuses, blended mobility and social distancing. We have all become well aware that the crucial aspect of mobility – i.e. sociality – is in danger. Nevertheless, we are convinced that the programme keeps providing great benefits despite this particular moment that we are going through.
As the professional network of the Erasmus Generation, garagErasmus feels a big responsibility in this moment. During our exchanges we learnt the most important lessons of our lives, and we would like to make our contribution to protect the current & future development of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
This is the reason why we jointly developed a project with the Italian National Agency Erasmus+ INDIRE offering many activities to all the incoming students in Italy and Italian outgoing & international that unequivocally underline the value, even in a difficult period, of the studies and internships carried out thanks to Erasmus+.
The + of Erasmus Project is also doing its bit to support and relaunch the image of Italy, one of the most popular destinations in Europe which was deeply affected by the COVID-19 outbreak during Spring 2020, providing targered actions for Italian universities to fully recover their image among international students.
The project is also in line with all the other activities and projects promoted by EU level actors during the last few months to ensure that the next generation of Europeans’ future is not deeply affected by all the restrictions caused by the pandemic: a hard but extremely encouraging challenge!
Learning Garage
CEOs, entrepreneurs, human resources experts and specialists of the labour market will hold lessons online, with an interactive part also for questions and comments. The speakers, who also have great experience in the educational world, will give important suggestions to the participants on how to approach the job market during and after the pandemic.
2 sessions of 12h each:
February 2021 + April 2021
Accelerator of Italian Language & Culture
In collaboration with the Dante Alighieri Language Institute of Recanati, students will benefit, not only from intensive Italian language courses, but also webinars on culture, habits, customs and even cooking.
Introduction on 22 December + 3 sessions: January 2021 + March 2021 + May 2021
Talents Match
Le aziende saranno invitate in una stanza virtuale con talenti internazionali e studenti italiani in scambio per fare una "blind interview": i recruiter non avranno informazioni sui candidati e i candidati avranno 10' per convincere il recruiter a rimettersi in contatto con lui per un colloquio completo.
Two sessions: March 2021 + June 2021
garagErasmus Foundation
INDIRE – Erasmus+ National Agency