garagErasmus Foundation, together with the MEP Brando Benifei, is glad to to invite you to the launching event of garagErasmus4Brussels.
On this occasion we would like to showcase the activities that the foundation carries out and to inform you about our new project: the “Laissez-Passer” of the Erasmus Generation, the passport for European talents!
The goal of the passport is to create a connection between the Erasmus generation and privates, companies, recruiters and philanthropists that want to support the most important programme of the European Union of the last 30 years. The Laissez-Passer of the Erasmus Generation wants to involve former Erasmus and tell their stories to the civil society, helping them with the development of their professional life.
Have a look at the video to have a clearer idea of the project and don’t hesitate to reach us!
We will also present the Erasmus +Generation Online meeting point and the Erasmus app! Pass-by, meet other internationally minded MEPs, NGOs or former Erasmus like you… let’s create the Erasmus+ Professional Network together!