Digital Life Learning

Overview of the project

Today’s EU and global societies are undergoing fundamental changes, such as the ageing of populations and digital innovation. Digital Life Learning bases its foundations on the premise that digital innovation can be an opportunity to improve the quality of life of our ageing societies and to shift towards more sustainable and inclusive health and care systems, creating economic growth and jobs.

What is Digital Life Learning’s aim?

Digital Life Learning Life’s main aim is to create macro laboratories for older citizens aged 65-74 years old with the objective of improving their digital skills. The project operates in 4 EU countries where teachers will train HEIs students, that in return will teach seniors, thus being able to obtain micro-credentials employable in the job market from this experience.

What are Digital Life Learning’s purposes?


Get deeper understanding of older adults and their needs and wishes

Develop digital skills of older adults to enjoy fuller and more independent lives

Foster and develop coaching and teaching skills for university students through digital knowledge transfer to older adults

Develop a micro-credential system recognition

Promote a more socially included life for old people

What are Digital Life Learning main activities?

Surveys on digital literacy of older people and project report
Presentation events and final conference
Training of students and older people
Release of micro-credentials

National survey findings

Digital Life Learning Report



garagErasmus Foundation

Instituto Pedro Nunes

Cáritas Diocesana de Coimbra 

Plataforma del Voluntariado de España

People Behind

Università degli studi di Roma Tor Vergata


November 2022 – December 2024

– June 

Reference number: 2022-1-IT02-KA220-ADU-000088024
