Erasmus & EU

Time to shine again!


The Erasmus+ programme is living difficult times: the COVID-19 pandemic has limited opportunities for students to travel and live one of their best opportunities for their educational but also human growth. Less people going on Erasmus means also fewer youth awareness about their European citizenship. This is also happening at a crucial moment, when a Conference on the Future of Europe is being held in order to relaunch the pillars of the Union and strengthening EU values.

The project

Funded the Erasmus+ Students and Alumni Alliance, the “ERASMUS & EU: TIME TO SHINE AGAIN” project aimed at raising awareness of the new Erasmus+ programme opportunities, supporting the creation of a new generation of pro-European citizens. Former and current Erasmus and exchange students and trainees had the chance to give their contribution to strengthen Europe. garagErasmus Foundation is launching a call to re-start the engine of (and to increase the enthusiasm around) the Erasmus programme.


gE created a group of Ambassadors willing to spread the news of the recently released Erasmus+ programme in their respective countries, boosting hopes for a new Europe more than ever needing our help. Once selected, they will be trained by experts and empowered to organise local events during Autumn 2021, involving more and more people -particularly university students- in the topics highlighted by Erasmus+ and Europe. gE will also address its action on extra-EU countries, that are, year after year, always more involved by the programme.

Phases of the project:

September – October 2021:
Selection of Ambassadors

Mid-October 2021:
Organisation of Training Sessions to Erasmus Ambassadors with experts

November 2021 – January 2022:
Organisation of local events all around and outside Europe


Funded by:

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


An overview of all our events

Romania (Virtual event)

27 January 2022

This event took place in two parts. The first one consisted in presenting the Erasmus+ programme and the second one offered the point of view of former participants in Erasmus+ projects with Andrei Coca and Radu Ștefana.

Ambassador: Andrei COCA

Sofia, Bulgaria

19 December 2021

During this Erasmus&EU event coordinated by our Bulgarian Ambassadors from  Maverick NGO, youngsters could get to know all kinds of Erasmus+ activities, such as exchanges, volunteering opportunities or innovative projects.

Ambassadors: Dilyana Vulkova and Ralitsa Koleva

Budapest, Hungary

13 December 2021

During our Erasmus&EU event in Hungary, called “Erasmus+: a life-changing opportunity to discover Europe and its cultural diversity”, we raised awareness about new Erasmus+ opportunities for Erasmus students.

Ambassador: Muhammad Anwar

Serres, Greece

30 November 2021

Our Erasmus Ambassador Anastasia Malamoglou and PRAXIS and the UNESCO Club of Serres have organised outdoor activities and delivered an informative speech to inform about Erasmus+ and its benefits.

Ambassador: Anastasia MALAMOGLOU

Lisbon, Portugal

1 December 2021

During our Erasmus&EU event in Lisbon, youngsters could share all kinds of Erasmus experiences such as study ones, professional traineeships, solidarity projects and entrepreneurship.

Ambassador: Margarida FREITAS

Dublin, Ireland

22 November 2021

Our great Erasmus Ambassador Areti Vasmatzoglou presented many opportunities from the new Erasmus+ programme and initiatives such as Erasmus for entrepreneurs with the active collaboration of Enactus Ireland.

Ambassador: Areti Vasmatzoglou

Sorrento, Italy

12 November 2021

Our first “Erasmus&EU: time to shine again” event took place in Sorrento in Italy. Future university students had the chance to get to know the possibilities of the new Erasmus+ programme.

Ambassadors: Elisabetta DE SIMONE

Paris & Madrid

29-31 October 2021

Our first two events in the framework of the “Erasmus & EU: Time to Shine Again” project took place during the last week of October 2021 at the cities of Paris and Madrid.

Call for Ambassadors:
Send your candidacy by 5 October!

The new Erasmus+ programme for 2021-2027 has just been launched, bringing over €26,2bn to suport mobility and cooperation.

Are you an Erasmus lover? Would you like to do your bit to raise awareness about its benefits between your peers? Become an Erasmus Ambassador & empower European citizens: organise a local event & we will support your expenses with up to €250! Send us your application no later than 5 October 2021!

Who’s behind this initiative?

garagErasmus Foundation (gE), the professional network of the Erasmus Generation who aims at supporting the shaping of a better-integrated Europe by improving the lives of people who had an international study or work experience. This action counts with the support of our umbrella organisation, the Erasmus+ Student and Alumni Alliance (ESAA).

How will “ERASMUS & EU : TIME TO SHINE AGAIN” project promote the Erasmus+ programme?

Funded by the Erasmus+ Student and Alumni Alliance (ESAA), the project will develop a series of local activities in order to promote the programme’s benefits among European Youth. garagErasmus will assist young people (Erasmus Ambassadors) from all over Europe to organise their local events all around the European Union. An event will be also organised in an extra-EU country.

Would you like to become an Ambassador? Apply for it, attend our training sessions in October & learn how to organise local events!

gE is currently looking for at least one Erasmus Ambassador from each member state of the European Union. Once the selection process is completed, during the second half of October 2021, we will train you about the Erasmus+ programme & event organisation with experts on Zoom. These two online training sessions -entirely in English- will last for half a day and will enable you to organise at least one local event in the city you are currently living in.

So… what should you do after the training event? How should you organise the local event?

gE will guide you through the process, help recruit participants and will contribute to its financial support (maximum contribution is 250€/event, including complimentary expenses such as food or the rent of the venue). Right after the training you will have to submit a proposal including a provisional budget, but no panic: this will be one of the central elements of the training session!

What is the aim of our local events?

The aim of these local events is giving the opportunity to young people from all over Europe to deepen their knowledge about the Erasmus+ programme and the opportunity it brings for European citizens, creating an EU citizenship.

Why should you become an Erasmus Ambassador?

Becoming an ambassador will give you the opportunity to:
– Take part in our training session on the new Erasmus+ programme;
– Learn how to organise your own event(s) involving local communities with a small budget to manage;
– Promote European citizenship between those people who are not fully aware of the benefits of EU programmes, particularly Erasmus+!

What are the requirements to become an Erasmus Ambassador?

Our main target is people who have an international mindset, particularly focusing on the Erasmus Generation (current and former exchange students and alumni), as they are the most pro-European and tend to have a higher interest in EU related issues. These are the main selection criteria:

– Being between 18 & 35 years old;
– Being currently based in an EU member state, no matter where you come from;
– Have an international mindset. A proven experience in EU exchange programmes (such as an Erasmus+ traineeship or university exchange, an Erasmus+ project at school or an experience abroad with the European Voluntary Service) will be highly valued;
– A good command of the local language of the country you are living now in order to reach people who do not speak foreign languages. Likewise, a good level of English is required in order to attend the training & effectively communicate with garagErasmus;
– Last but not least, having a real motivation for the project.

How should you apply for it?

By filling the form below no later than 5 October 2021 (23:59 CEST). If you have any doubts, please send an email to
