Improving young people’s skills for civic participation & volunteering.

visit the official website of the project


The IYE-LABs project faces the challenge of reaching a group of young people between 18 and 30 years, who have a social purpose and want to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to undertake volunteer projects.

The project will especially involve “harder to reach” groups: young people with disadvantage backgrounds, migrants, NEETs… in order to apply social inclusion principles from the project roots.

IYE-LABs will foster inclusive youth environments by implementing innovative and participative practices, through developing social labs model as non-formal learning activities addressed to improving young people’s skills for civic participation and volunteering. Developing the role of volunteering for social inclusion is the cornerstone of our project, generating a leadership changing forever participants’ lives and the social ecosystem of their cities.

Tools for the design and co-creation of projects (Canvas, Problem Trees…), outreach campaigns and participatory techniques are also other methodologies we will use to implement for social change. The project is inspired by the success of the Córdoba Social Lab good practice, ongoing since 2014.

IYE-LABS is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.



Why this project?

The IYELABs project has been designed to tackle the following issues:​

  • Lack of civil participation attitude among young people.
  • Lack of youth involvement in local community and third sector organisations.
  • Inequality and poverty, exclusion and discrimination that affects young people from disadvantage groups.​

The main objective of IYE-LABS is to contribute increasing social, civic and intercultural skills and critical thinking of young people by developing the role of volunteering through their engagement in social inclusion projects.
IYE-LABs’ specific objectives are:

  • To promote intercultural dialogue and positive benefits of a diverse society among the project beneficiaries and the European society in general.
  • To enhance critical thinking and media literacy among young people and youth workers.
  • To foster active citizenship at a local and global level within a group of traditionally passive and unemployed youth by improving their skills for adopting the role of volunteers for social inclusion.
  • To build synergies with the local communities and enhance the capacity of youth work and social organizations to act as inclusion agents by empowering young people to drive positive changes in their communities.


Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Fundación Xul (Córdoba, Spain)

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Associazione Inco (Trento, Italy)

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Dinamik Gelisim Dernegi (Turkey)

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Impact Hub Zagreb (Croatia)

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

garagErasmus ASBL (Brussels, Belgium)

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Out of the Box International (Brussels, Belgium)

Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Plataforma del Voluntariado de España (Madrid, Spain)


THE IYE-LABS Final Conference marks the end of the project

Over 65 people took part in the IYE-LABs project Final Conference on 15 December 2020. Under the title “Volunteering in times of a pandemic: IYE-LABs experience flattening the curve & future steps”.

Volunteering in times of a pandemic: IYE-LABs experience flattening the curve & future steps

On 15 December 2020 the IYE-LABS Final Conference will present the results of this Erasmus+ project to other organisations & discuss about the role of volunteering shaping a new Europe.

The IYE-LABS project starts its training sessions

garagErasmus ASBL leads the communication & dissemination actions for the IYE-LABS Erasmus+ project for volunteering & social inclusion.

Kick-start for the IYE-LABS Erasmus+ project

The IYE-LABS social volunteering project – co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union – formally started its training actions this September, which are simultaneously taking place in Spain, Italy, Croatia and Turkey.

​The project is an initiative supported by the Erasmus+ programme under the KA3 – Support for Policy Reform.
Erasmus+ logo

Reference number: 604606-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN
