The + of Erasmus 2024

An opportunity to improve your Erasmus+ experience in the context of the European Year of Skills!


After the success of editions in 2021 and 2022, garagErasmus Foundation and the Italian National Agency Erasmus+ INDIRE are launching yet again the THE + OF ERASMUS which offers many activities to all the incoming students in Italy and Italian outgoing ones aimed at underlining the value of the studies and internships carried out thanks to Erasmus+: online lessons of Italian language & culture (THE ACCELERATOR), webinars on job-hunting for exchange students to help them searching their first job (LEARNING GARAGE) and blind job interviews with recruiters valueing international experiences (TALENTS MATCH).

The European Year of Skills marks a great occasion to make our contribution to young people’s career path to help them improve their self branding skills thus finding the best job for them according to their experiences and skills to eventually build a better society together.


The Accelerator

Online training lessions of Italian language & culture, including aspects such as habits, customs and even Italian cuisine, with the amazing team of language teachers of the Dante Alighieri Language Institute of Recanati.

Learning Garage

Five training sessions with job market specialists, who will offer relevant advice to Erasmus+ exchange students on how to approach the job market and valorise their international experience. 


Talents Match

Companies will be invited in a virtual room with international talents and Italian exchange students to have a “blind interview”: recruiters will have no information about candidates and candidates will have 10’ to persuade the recruiter to get back in touch with him/her for a full interview.


Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

garagErasmus Foundation


INDIRE – Erasmus+ National Agency

